function of PHP to create JSON data format. Below is the PHP snippet to create the JSON data format of given array of PHP :
Example :
<?php $json_data = array( "id" => 1, "name" => "Rahul Yadav", "country" => "India", "email" => "admin@codephponline.com", "frameworks" => array( "Codeigniter", "Laravel" ) ); $json_string = json_encode($json_data); echo $json_string; ?> /* Output : {"id":1,"name":"Rahul Yadav","country":"India","email":"admin@codephponline.com","frameworks":["Codeigniter","Laravel"]} */
function of PHP to parse the JSON data. Below code will parse the JSON data into PHP arrays.
Example :
<?php $json_string='{"id":1,"name":"Rahul Yadav","country":"India","email":"admin@codephponline.com","frameworks":["Codeigniter","Laravel"]}'; $obj=json_decode($json_string); //print the parsed data echo $obj->id."
"; // displays 1 echo $obj->name."
"; // displays Rahul Yadav echo $obj->country."
"; // displays India echo $obj->email."
"; //displays admin@codephponline.com echo $obj->frameworks[0]."
"; // displays Codeigniter echo $obj->frameworks[1]."
"; // displays Laravel ?> /* Output : 1 Rahul Yadav India admin@codephponline.com Codeigniter Laravel */
Technical Architect
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I'm a Full Stack Web Developer working in a MNC and passionate of developing modern web and mobile applications.
I have designed and developed CodephpOnline & CodephpOnline Wiki platform to expatiate my coding and technology learning experiences.
In my leisure time, I write technical articles on web development such as PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Mediawiki, Linux, Angular, Ionic, ReactJS, NodeJS, AJAX, jQuery, Cloud and more.